Saturday, August 2, 2014

Imperiad GT Game 1: Necrons!

So my first game was against Eric H. and his Wraithwing style Necrons. To the best of my recollection this was his list:

CCB Lord with Res Orb, MSS, and Warscythe, 2+/3++
Destroyer Lord Warscythe, 2+

3x5 Warriors in Night Scythes
3x6 Wraiths
3x6 Annilation Barges

My list for posterity:
Commissar Yarrick
Infantry Platoon with PCS 4xFlamers, 5x Infantry Squads w/5x lascannons Vet Squad with Forward Sentries and Lascannon
Ultramarine allies:
5x Scouts with Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer
Devastator Centurions w/ Grav Cannons and Omni Scope
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor w/ ML 1, 3x Servo Skulls, and Psyocculum

The terrain on the board was a excellently covered city ruins theme. The deployment was Dawn of war, with a center objective and 4 objections in each table quarter. The center objective was also the secondary objective.My opponent won first deploy and turn. He deployed across the edge of his deployment zone with wraiths and skimmers. I castled on a smnall ruin and placed my heavy weapons team on the top level for LOS. Tanks went behind the ruin to get 4+ cover from the incoming Scythes. Tigerius rolled Shrouding which was key, Coteaz got Invisiblity, and my Inquisitor took Prescience.

Eric moved up his wraiths and skimmers and did a little shooting that was ineffective but got his wraiths closer, forgetting to run one unit I recall. My turn I managed to take down his Destroyer Lord with my Blob (Eric's luck was pretty consistently bad this game, he rolled 2 1s for Look out sir, then rolled 2 more 1s for armor saves. My Vets got a lucky shot in with their Lascannon exploding one of his Anni Barges. I got invisibility and prescience up on my Blob. Turn Two he crashed in with his wraiths and his CCB took out my veteran squad. Long story shot my blob, invisible and with rerolls to hit and wound ground down his wraiths and then later his CCB. I managed to keep my ICs away from MSS so he was reduced to making a Sgt. ineffectually hit himself most of the combat. After that my Centurions, Wyverns and Blob made short work of the rest of his army, and my outflanking Scouts w/ LSS was able to push one of his warrior units off an objective and claim it.

Eric's rolls were bad and he had a really hard time dealing with 2+ coversaves thanks to Shrouding and of course Invisiblity. I claimed max points that game and felt pretty good going into round two. Eric was a good opponent and keep a good attitude despite some poor luck.

Next round was against James M.'s Iyanden Eldar in a nail biter.....

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